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6 Signs You’re Not Getting Value for Money.

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Are you putting up with poor customer service and slow response times because it seems easier than switching to another MSP? If so, you are not alone as it’s a common problem.

However, enduring a situation which is less than ideal does have associated costs in the medium to long term, as well as leaving you more vulnerable to cyber threats and reputational damage.

Here are the top signs that your IT Partner is not value for money.

1. Poor customer service – you’re just another number in the ticket queue.

It’s understandable that, on some occasions, your IT Support service may be extraordinarily busy, but if you’re constantly waiting for days to get your ticket processed and finding it impossible to talk to a human being, then it’s time to start questioning what you’re paying for.

If your business is in the Alternative Investment or wider Financial Services sector, as many of our customers are, it’s particularly concerning if your MSP doesn’t appreciate when they need to escalate IT issues that could jeopardise sensitive client information.

How much does Tribeca’s IT Support cost?

2. Inadequate response times – your IT Partner has gone MIA when you need them most.

If you’re working across different time zones and jurisdictions, you need peace of mind that your IT Partner is able to do the same and is available whenever you need it.

That’s why our Tribeca IT Service Desk is available 24/7/364 (excludes Christmas Day), via calls, emails and our online portal – and our experienced team work to a KPI to answer calls within six seconds.

We offer an unlimited follow-the-sun IT support service from our offices in the UK, New York, and Hong Kong, which means our customers can contact us at any time without worrying about additional charges.

We can also offer:

  • a contract guarantee that we will respond and be on site within two hours for any business-critical events during core hours.
  • an alert process with auto-escalation to Tribeca senior management for your most critical systems.
  • round the clock infrastructure monitoring so that you know that your business systems are always protected, even while you sleep.

Find out how our 24/7 service works.

3: High IT costs or hidden costs – do you know what you’re paying for?

If you haven’t reviewed your IT pricing for some time, it’s typical that you will be paying for services you don’t use and are not optimising others.

This may be because your IT pricing structure is needlessly complicated and/or includes hidden costs.

Your current package may have been value for money IT when you signed up, but isn’t fit for purpose two or three years later, especially if your business is growing or scaling.

Are you leaving money on the table?

With all of the ever changing licensing models and functionality it is important to make sure this part of your technology ins managed and that you are utilising the functionality that you are paying for. Quite often we see firms duplicating spend for solutions when they have this included within another license, or even paying for more licenses then actually required, due to poor management.

At Tribeca, we are passionate about transparency in IT pricing so you know exactly what you’re paying for. We offer a fixed monthly rate based on the number of users, with no usage caps, no hidden costs, and no limit on the number of tickets you can submit in a month.

You can find out more on our dedicated pricing page.

We have also produced a short video to address Frequently Asked Questions about our IT pricing.

4. Poor communication – aka the computer says no.

Effective communication is vital to getting value for money from your MSP. This should go beyond your IT Partner being able to communicate with you in order to fix your day-to-day IT issues; they should also be able to provide expert, independent advice when asked on digital transformation, cyber security and cloud computing – without subjecting you to a hard sell.

At Tribeca, our reputation is built on an in-depth understanding of businesses in the Alternative Investment sector, including hedge funds, asset management, private equity firms and family offices. We deliver IT support packages that are custom-made to our clients’ individual business needs – and we genuinely listen to you so we can advise on the best and most cost-effective IT support.

All our IT packages include:

  • regular account management reports and account management meetings, at least monthly.
  • Quarterly Business Review meetings to discuss how we can best support your business strategies and goals.

5. Repeated problems – when every day is ‘Groundhog Day’

When it’s the seventh time you have lodged a complaint about a recurring issue, you understandably feel like you are bashing your head against a brick wall.

If an IT issue is managed in isolation, the root cause is unlikely to be addressed and it will come back to plague you, most likely at the worst possible moment.

Value for money IT services work on a pro-active rather than a reactive model. If you have called an engineer to your office to fix a problem, they should be curious about potentially interconnected issues impacting your business systems.

At Tribeca, we monitor and notice what needs to be done before an IT issue becomes an IT crisis. This means you get the best ROI from your technology and avoid more expensive, time-consuming fixes further down the line.

6. Your IT Partner is too busy firefighting to consider the bigger picture.

If your IT Partner doesn’t really care about or understand your business goals, then you don’t have an IT Partner – you have a fixer.

Businesses need an MSP that is invested in their success and able to adapt to support your business whatever comes your way, whether you’re moving office, expanding internationally, or undergoing digital transformation.

Tribeca has a proven track record of working with businesses in the Alternative Investment sector to help them grow and scale, based on more than 40 years of collective managerial financial sector experience and extensive expertise in customised technology solutions.

Get in touch for a free, no-obligation chat about the cost of a monthly support package for your business.


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