Tribeca has been acquired by Abacus Group. Read More.


Top 10 Tips To Safeguard Your Data When Commuting

The last 18 months has provided challenges for many; creating home office spaces, adjusting to video meetings, avoiding distractions and loneliness to name just a few. However, with most companies introducing phased or hybrid return-to-work strategies, we are faced with a new set of challenges. One of which is ensuring colleagues and employees maintain vigilant with regard to cyber security.

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What Does A Hybrid Working Model Mean For Businesses?

As we enter this next phase of the pandemic many businesses are now having to review their working models. Employees have spent the last 18-months working in a very different way, in a new environment and are therefore demanding more flexibility. This means a shift to a hybrid working world.

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What is Unified Communications?

Unified Communications involves combining multiple enterprise communications channels, such as voice calling, video calling and instant messaging, and integrating them into one platform for ease of use.

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What is Cloud Computing?

Which model you need will depend on the objective of your business. The reality is most businesses will use a mix of all three models within their IT Infrastructure.

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The importance of Business Continuity & Disaster Recovery Planning

Ultimately, you’ll hope that you never need to use your Business Continuity or Disaster Recovery Plans but the cost of not having such plans ready to deploy could be much greater than you’d expect. It’s not just the monetary value associated to the downtime, but it could damage your businesses reputation as well.

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