Service Update

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Like most Managed Services Providers, the UK government lockdown has meant our engineers have been working from home to support our clients’ businesses throughout this difficult period.  

As the lockdown begins to ease, some of our clients are rolling out a phased return to their offices. One area of our service that we have adapted is our onsite support services.

Following guidance published by the UK government and WHO, alongside an internal risk assessment process, we plan to work to the following standards:

1. Travel – Our teams will be issued PPE for use when travelling between client’s sites, which will consist of both face masks and disposable gloves.  At this moment in time we have also stopped using public transport, although this may change as the government warning level reduces. 

2. PPE – All of our field engineers will be equipped with PPE, if a client wants them to wear this whilst in their office – they will do so. 

3. Arrival – Upon arrival at a client’s office, our team will wash their hands thoroughly.  If this is not practical, all field engineers will be equipped with hand sanitiser to use instead.

4. Social Distancing – Our teams have been trained in Social Distancing requirements and will, wherever possible, maintain a 2-metre distance from your colleagues when onsite.  This will mean that if they need to assist someone at their desk, they will politely ask them to step away from the computer whilst they work to resolve the issue. 

5. Hand Washing – Before and after using any computer, our team will sanitise their hands. 

6. Remote Access – Wherever possible, even when onsite, our team will use our remote access tools to reduce the requirement for desk side support.

 7. Floor Walks – One proactive measure we ask our team to conduct when onsite is a floor walk – asking each member of our client’s team if they have any IT issues they can address.  If they are unable to adhere to social distancing recommendations whilst carrying out a floor walk, our engineers will instead circulate an email to those present, making them aware of their presence and asking if there is anything they can do to help.

 8. Cleaning – Before leaving our client’s office, our team will use anti-bacterial wipes to clean the area in which they have been working. 

We appreciate that some of the measures outlined above may impact on the service that we provide; however, we are confident that they will help to keep all parties as safe as possible whilst continuing to provide a very important part of our service.  

Has your IT partner proactively communicated their new processes and procedures to you?  If not, our advice would be to start this conversation, so you are aware of any changes that may impact you.    


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