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What’s the difference between Public, Private and Hybrid Cloud and which is best for my business?

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What is public, private and hybrid cloud computing?

Cloud computing, as explained in our previous blog What is Cloud Computing?, has revolutionised the way businesses deliver their IT services and our team have a wealth of experience with public, private and hybrid cloud options.

On a daily basis, we all use the commercial cloud without even realising, for example, our photos, videos and contact information are often automatically saved to the cloud on your mobile phone.  But using and managing a business cloud is where we can help.

There are clear differences and advantages between using a public, private or hybrid cloud solution and all are dependent on each business’s individual needs. 

Public Cloud

Public cloud is the more mainstream version of cloud computing, and the benefits include:

  • Scalability
  • Multi-Geo
  • Advanced security controls
  • Software as a service model
  • Reduced Management overhead (PaaS, SaaS)

Tribeca has a wealth of experience with public cloud options, primarily with Microsoft Azure Members of the operations teams have completed Microsoft certifications, reaching Microsoft gold partner status in cloud competency ensuring they have both the knowledge to administer a cloud solution and can architect a solution to fit the needs of a client. Azure is a very popular choice when considering either full cloud solutions or hybrid solutions.

Because of the prevalence of Microsoft 365, individuals are expected to be able to support environments that make use of Microsoft’s 365 suite of apps to a very high degree.

Outside of the Microsoft sphere of cloud solutions, Tribeca has experience with a wide range of different products and services such as (but not limited to) cloud-based VoIP solutions, file sharing and productivity solutions as well as a whole host of SaaS products.

Private Cloud

At Tribeca we provide our own private cloud platform for our clients; FundCloud. Operating out of multiple data centres across the globe, this platform allows our clients to choose the locations of their chosen data centres. All our private hosted servers have reliable disaster recovery built-in with replication to a secondary data centre within the same country.

Our dedicated virtual machines feature the following USPs:

  • Disaster Recovery built-in
  • ISO27001 certified Data Centres
  • IPSEC VPN or direct connectivity from client offices
  • Multi-Factor Authentication

As we’re offering our own private cloud solution, we have 100% control over all elements of the service. This makes it a fully customisable platform, allowing you to leverage every last bit of performance without paying for aspects you don’t need.

Our platform was developed in-house so we fully understand the entire platform, meaning there will be no support delays to you and your business.

Hybrid Cloud

It’s no longer a simple choice between public or private, with many companies wanting to also choose specific applications or workloads within their environment.

Based on these new working models Tribeca has designed, implemented and currently support many Hybrid Cloud solutions across our client base. Whether that be integrating their Private Cloud environment with Office 365 or having external facing systems running within Azure. As your leading IT partner we will work on these projects alongside you.

Benefits of the Hybrid Cloud include:

  • Cost-effective
  • Provides both public and private cloud solutions
  • Disaster recovery built-in


Public vs. Private Cloud Security

There are pros and cons to both in terms of security. Depending on your point of view, it’s easy to say one may be better than the other, but ultimately it depends on how you use it.

Private Cloud Security offers the greatest amount of flexibility. You can define, at all levels, what security you want and how it’s applied. It puts both the control and responsibility on the private cloud security provider.

Public Cloud platforms may have more sophisticated security controls available – however in most cases they are not enabled “out of the box” and may require additional licensing costs.

One other factor to bear in mind is that Public cloud solutions tend to have a larger attack surface and are the target for cyber criminals.  For example – many phishing campaigns are designed around compromising Office 365 credentials. 

How many of your clients are cloud-based?

Around 70% of our clients are cloud-based. The main difference, is how much a client is cloud-based? On one end of the scale, a client could be completely cloud-based, with no reliance on a physical system that they own. Those clients may not even require a physical office with the entire workforce working from home.

The other end of the scale is a complete on-premise infrastructure, however, the majority of our clients have adopted a hybrid model.

A hybrid model is very well supported and understood and with Microsoft 365 and Azure there is a mix of on-premise and cloud. This offers greater flexibility where cloud systems can be used when required with some on-premise systems when required.

A good example of hybrid design might be using Exchange Online, but having some key or legacy applications hosted within a data centre.

Ultimately there is no right or wrong model, or one design that fits all. A cloud solution should be designed around the needs of a client, which is exactly what we do at Tribeca.

Quality IT Support for Financial Services

Different types of clouds are suited to different businesses with varying workloads and different patterns of work. This can help you when deciding which cloud computing service is best for your business.

With a huge choice of cloud types and cloud services available, there’s no doubt that cloud computing can be beneficial for most businesses. Knowing which route to go down can be tricky – that’s where Tribeca can help. 

Tribeca offers IT support services tailored to Alternative Investment businesses, including Hedge Fund IT Support and Private Equity IT Support. We operate as your dedicated business partner and want to be seen as an extension of your business, providing consistent quality and proactive assistance to help you grow and protect your business. 

To learn more about migrating to the cloud, take a look at our Cloud Computing page.

For more information on our IT and managed services for the alternative investment sector, get in touch with us today.


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