Tribeca has been acquired by Abacus Group. Read More.

Cookie policy

We are committed to ensuring that our visitors are aware of how our website operates and our obligation to the privacy of customer information. This cookie policy is our first step in educating our website visitors and adhering to new EU/UK online privacy laws, as set by the Department for Media Culture and Sport (DMCS).

  1. What are cookies?
  2. What are the different types of cookies?
  3. What do we use cookies for?
  4. Cookies used on the Tribeca website
  5. Information collected from cookies
  6. Universally controlling cookies
  7. Cookie control solution

1. What are cookies?

Cookies are small text files that are stored on a user’s computer. Cookies store a small amount of data specific to a particular client machine and website. Cookies are widely viewed as being integral to the users browsing experience for the majority of websites.

Cookies are a convenient way to carry information from one session on a website to another, or between sessions on related websites, without having to load a web server machine with large amounts of data storage.

2. What are the different types of cookies?


Session cookies

These cookies are stored in the memory of the computer during a browsing session. When the browsing session is finished, session cookies are automatically deleted.

Permanent cookies

These are not deleted when a browsing session closes. Permanent cookies can contain information such as user preferences for a website; removing the need to reapply preferences when a website is revisited. One popular use of permanent cookies is for web analytics; measuring visitors and collecting information anonymously, such as the number of pages viewed.

Flash cookies

Adobe Flash is believed to have a penetration rate of 99% around the world. Websites that contain flash media, such as video or animation clips, can store Flash cookies, also known as Local Shared Objects (LSO’s).

HTML5 storage

HTML5 storage utilises a new storage medium for client-side processing for saving session information. Values can be retrieved even when a user has closed their browser and reopened it. Compared to cookies, HTML5 storage can hold more information.

3. What do we use cookies for?

Tribeca use analytical products to anonymously report how website visitors interact with the website. In order for these to work, cookies need to be placed upon each website visit. This data is used to improve website performance and to continuously develop new content for our website visitors to enjoy.

4. Cookies used on the Tribeca website

Tribeca conducted an audit of all cookies on in June 2015 and found the following cookies were currently being used:


Cookie Type

Cookie Name

Cookie Purpose


Intrusive level

Google Analytics



Used to anonymously identify a user visit to the
Tribeca website

 2 years




Used to determine if a new session for a
website visitor needs to be recorded

30 minutes




Interacts with _utmb to establish if a new
session visit is recorded

end of session




Used as part of Google Analytic’s advanced
visitor segmentation feature. This cookie is
deleted automatically if it is not being used.

2 years (if on)



Tribeca do not currently use this feature in
Google Analytics.

end of session (default)



Anonymously collects information which can
be used to calculate search engine traffic, ad
campaigns and page navigation for use within
Google Analytic reports. This cookie is updated
with each new page view.

6 months



Third Party Cookies

Whilst using our website, you may be sent third party cookies from services that we use. These are hosted externally from the Tribeca domain. Our advertisers/service providers may send you cookies. They may use the information they obtain from your use of their cookies to:

  • track your browser across multiple websites
  • build a profile of your web surfing
  • target advertisements which may be of particular interest to you 

eGenie are currently investigating third party cookies sent by this website and will specify those which are used in the next revision of the cookie policy page.

5. Information collected from cookies

Tribeca do not collect any personally identifiable information from the various services used on the website including analytical reporting. Additionally, no information is shared with 3rd parties and analytical data is kept only for internal organisational use.

6. Universally controlling cookies

Tribeca intend to implement a solution to opt-in/out of having cookies deployed. In the meantime, you may wish to manually control the cookies being placed on your machine. You can limit this to the Tribeca domain or every website that you visit through your internet browser

Visit for instructions on how to manually change your internet browser settings.

To opt out of being tracked by Google Analytics across all websites visit

Note: blocking certain cookies may affect the functionality of this website.

7. Cookie control solution

Tribeca are currently investigating cookie control systems for use on the website; this would enable website visitors to change their cookie opt-in/out status at any time.

If you have any questions about our privacy or our cookie policy, please do not hesitate to Contact Us and we can discuss your concerns.


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