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Three Critical Aspects of Business Aligned IT Strategy for 2023.

Home / Blog / Three Critical Aspects of Business Aligned IT Strategy for 2023.

In one of the latest article from South East Business, our Managing Director Mark Instance, focused on some of the critical aspects of a business-aligned IT strategy for 2023.

Many businesses will prioritise maximising profitability, however Mark points out that as IT is an enabler of success, building an IT roadmap that supports business objectives must also be a priority.

There are three areas in particular that he would advise a business should be considering:

  1. Investment in automation, a key tool to improve efficiencies.
  2. Reducing technical debt to improve agility and resilience by identifying and addressing unsuitable systems.
  3. Security, security, security – still the biggest threat and therefore should be the biggest area of investment for most businesses.

With technology continuing to play an important role in how businesses function, prioritising the above can support growth.

To read the full article and understand more about how IT can enable success for your business click here.

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