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The Importance of Having Business Values

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There are many reasons to embed values into a business and there are certain benefits that shouldn’t be ignored.  Values provide a common purpose for employees and gives them a directive to work towards, every day. 

In this very competitive world attracting and retaining talent is key and having established and well used values in place can often play a major part in deciding whether a business is the right fit for an employee as well as a potential client. 

With the continued flex in how people are now working, following the pandemic, communication remains vital.  There are now a number of well-used ways to communicate and having values in place can guide communication across all different channels and support how employees interact with each other.

The Tribeca Values.

The Tribeca core values represent what we want the business to be for our employees, our clients, and our partners.

We have one clear vision, and our values hold us to account, ensuring that there is clarity across the business on what we want to achieve and how we want to achieve it. 

Each value can also be a point of reference, something to look back on or be used to sense check.  The seven values at Tribeca are adopted by the whole team.

  • Excellence means going above and beyond, ensuring that we are all trained to a high level, and we never settle for good enough and always strive for better.
  • Integrity means doing the right thing even when it’s not easy to do. If we make a mistake, we put our hands up and come up with solutions. We’re honest and accountable.
  • Ownership is when asked to do something we are accountable or when we make a promise, we deliver on it. We own our actions and deliver.
  • Caring can be seen as a throw away value, but we genuinely care about all members of the team as well as our clients and their businesses. We want the best for our colleagues and strive to always support each other as well as wanting our clients’ businesses to succeed with our support.
  • Communication is one of those key values and is all about giving the right information and passing it on if others need to be informed, whether that be a colleague or a client. Good communication allows people to make informed decisions.  This values also ties in with the other core values and it shows that you care, just through clear communication.  Communication is also about really listening.  Within IT it’s really important and we internally promote phone calls and face-to-face communication as its most effective.
  • Education is relevant to all members of the business as no matter what experience we have we all still need education, especially as an IT Partner. As a service-based business education is fundamental and we have annual training budgets for courses, as well as an internal trainer who delivers an training curriculum for our apprentices.
  • Fun, fun, fun! We spend so much time at work, in what can be a highly pressurised environment so making it fun is really important.  We believe that people work best in a fun and uplifting environment, and we do our best to achieve that.  We have ‘fun’ days, encourage people to be social and support team nights out.  Whatever we can do to make the experience of working at Tribeca fun.
  • Appearance is a value that we believe is necessary as we are an extension of our client’s businesses. When we say appearance we mean in attitude, how we look but also the appearance of our office is important, and we never want to let our clients down.

Our values sit at the heart of our business and our team truly live and breathe them. If you don’t believe us, then listen to what our employees have to say!

To get in touch and find out more about how Tribeca can help your business grow click here.


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