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Looking to switch your IT Partner?

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Changing IT managed service providers (MSPs) can immediately deliver benefits. Many businesses will have concerns about changing providers as they are worried about the transition and the potential negative effect it could have for the business during the process. We understand that when mismanaged, IT can inhibit your business growth, but when well-executed – it can be an enabler for growth within your business. At Tribeca, we look after your IT systems so that you can focus on what you do best.

We recently interviewed our client Paddy Ryan, the IT Manager at Round Hill Capital, to gain insight into what our clients think about Tribeca and he had this to say:

What made Round Hill reach out to Tribeca; were there any key issues that you needed help with?

So, I joined Round Hill around two years ago. At the time there was an MSP in place that was not providing good service. 

I would go so far as to say that it was hindering the progress of the company. When I came onboard, it was impossible to deal with them basically. It was a daily struggle to get anything done. So that was one of the main priorities to fix when I started at Round Hill.

What was it that set Tribeca apart from the other MSP’s you had spoken with?

Firstly, I had received a recommendation from my ex-colleague; that was very important to me. However, once I’d started the sales process with Tribeca, I could tell it was going to be a personal relationship with the people I’d met during the process.

It was always very easy to reach out to whoever I needed, with extremely professional and timely responses. My experience with Tribeca was brilliant from the get-go.

What has your experience been like post-sales process, how does your relationship with Tribeca look now?

Tribeca was great when they came onboard. The onboarding was a very simple process. The sales process, as well, was all very easy. It stands well for everyone at Round Hill Capital that Tribeca has joined the team, as everything has improved a great deal.

It’s nice to know I have contacts within Tribeca that I can reach out to and I always know I will get a knowledgeable response to any queries I have. 

With Round Hill Capital’s previous MSP, we often had issues where we would speak to various people at the company but it would seemingly never trickle down to the people that actually needed to know. I would find that I was repeating myself over and over again.

I’m happy to say that I don’t encounter this issue with Tribeca at all. I always find that once I have an issue or I share information with them it’s responded to logically and I never have to repeat myself which is great.

To help confirm whether switching MSPs will have a meaningful impact in your workplace consider the following points and ask yourself if your current provider is giving you any of these signs you should switch provider.

1)   They don’t feel technically capable

It could be you have had a recent security breach, or perhaps simply don’t feel fully confident in your cyber security. If you aren’t sure you are fully protected, it’s time for a check-up.

Having to explain your software or processes to your support team shows their lack of industry expertise. A specialist support team will save you that time and hassle!

It’s great when problems are handled well, and solutions put in place; but could the issue have been avoided? Prevention is better than cure; having a support team pro-actively testing systems and giving advice in advance can prevent many issues from taking place at all.

2)   They aren’t enabling growth

Are you confident they are investing in cutting-edge, innovative solutions? Are they confident in recommending solutions? If your provider can no longer keep up with your growing business needs, they may do more harm than good.

When the service desk doesn’t answer the phone or respond to you quickly when you need their help, it can be both stressful and expensive. Having trained engineers, accessible 24/7, with rapid response times is a must.

The right partner will efficiently manage projects and be transparent with your team. We know that if communication is poor, their project management skills are most likely below the standards we expect too.

3)   They don’t feel like part of the team

The support personnel you get should feel like an extension of your own team. If it feels like your current supplier isn’t as invested in you as they could be, it might be time to change.

When issues occur, it adds stress feeling the support team is not interested and ready to help. Having a known-by-name contact and a caring relationship should be a given.

We know that a lot of companies are currently struggling and want help and advice, not a lengthy sales pitch, no additional costs, we recognise businesses need to function and we will always look to help a business not just survive, but thrive.


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