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IT migration: key risks and how to manage them

Home / Blog / IT migration: key risks and how to manage them

Why do businesses migrate their IT systems or support?

There are a number of reasons why businesses in the alternative investment sector choose to either migrate their systems, or switch to a new support provider.

Do any of the examples below match your current situation?

  • Moving to a new site (i.e. relocation)
  • Expansion to additional sites in the same country
  • Transition to international working (e.g. need global and 24/7 support)
  • A disruptive event (e.g. security breach / failure of a key system)
  • A frustration with an existing supplier service level (e.g. rate of response)

What are the risks when migrating systems or support services?

Regardless of your reason for exploring migration, there are a number of central risks that need management when moving either your IT systems or your IT support provision.

A few of the most common risks are listed below, along with some recommended actions and business processes to reduce or remove them.

Risk 1: Unnecessary downtime or unplanned business interruption

Our top 3 tips on actions and processes to minimise this risk:

  1. Work with a supplier who has a proven process and recent experience in similar circumstances (gain references or review case studies of their work)
  2. Involve your IT support provider in your business expansion planning (they can offer great advice ahead of time)
  3. Make sure that the supplier uses a detailed onboarding audit and complete solid onsite audits.

Risk 2: Missed deadlines for the migration project

Our top 3 tips on actions and processes to minimise this risk:

  1. Make sure that your supplier has a detailed, time-lined plan that clearly shows what will be done and when. (good suppliers will have a central project plan already, which can be tweaked to match the specific requirements of your undertaking)
  2. Check that the new supplier sets internal deadlines that are in advance of your own required deadlines. (this allows some wiggle room for the unexpected)
  3. Be clear with your supplier about any mission critical deadlines from your business objectives standpoint (e.g. any dependencies that rely on milestones being in place) 

Risk 3: Choosing an equally poor or worse alternative supplier

 Our top 3 tips on actions and processes to minimise this risk:

  1. Look for a supplier with expertise in your industry sector. Often delays can be incurred where an MSP needs to learn the intricacies of a new industry or their method of working.
  2. Look for client testimony, and evidence of prior successful project completion. Check qualifications and service level agreements closely.
  3. Ask about the capability of the service desk [IR1]staff. In the event that you need to speak with a support representative, will they be qualified to answer your questions directly, or are they going to be a call handler who then directs the enquiry onward?

What further guidance is available?

There are a number of more technical considerations when it comes to IT systems or support migration. We hope, however, that these start-point suggestions help you identify the obvious risks and prompt you to seek some relevant answers ahead of the project start.

If you are considering a migration project in the near future, or are concerned about how IT can support your management of future growth of your business, why not watch one of our short videos on the topic?

Visit Tribeca’s YouTube Channel Here

The team at Tribeca have been supporting businesses in the alternative investment sector since 2006 and has a wealth of experience to offer.

We are always happy to have a non-obligation discussion.

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